Genetic Control of Metabolism

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     6        7           


2. A whole range of different gene makeups. (7,9)
3. This occurs when a cell takes up a piece of naked DNA from the remains of a cell that has been destroyed. (14)
4. Genetic glue. (6)
5. This occurs when a phage injects the bacterial DNA into another bacterial cell. (12)
8. Genetic scissors. (12)
9. Change in an organism's DNA. (8)
10. Process where DNA is transferred across a temporary bridge between 2 bacterial cells. (11)
11. A gene which enables biologists to determine whether the plasmid vector has been taken up or not. (6,4)
12. Used to carry DNA from one organism to another. (6)


1. Specific short sequence of DNA. (11,4)
6. Creation of mutations. (11)
7. Type of DNA which contains a mixture of DNA from two sources. (11)